
6.0 还行

分类:动作 古装  地区:日本  年份:2010 

主演:役所广司 山田孝之 伊势谷友介 泽村一树 古田新太 高冈奏辅 六角精儿 波冈一喜 近藤公园 石垣佑磨 洼田正孝 伊原刚志 松方弘树 吹石一惠 谷村美月 斋藤工 阿部进之介 斋藤步 井上肇 高川裕也 神乐坂惠 内野圣阳 光石研 岸部一德 平干二朗 松本幸四郎 稻垣吾郎 市村正亲 福本清三 

导演:三池崇史 / 天愿大介 Daisuke Tengan/池上金男 Kaneo Ikegami

天愿大介 Daisuke Tengan/池上金男 Kaneo Ikegami




开心电影院为您提供2010年由役所广司,山田孝之,伊势谷友介,泽村一树,古田新太,高冈奏辅,六角精儿,波冈一喜,近藤公园,石垣佑磨,洼田正孝,伊原刚志,松方弘树,吹石一惠,谷村美月,斋藤工,阿部进之介,斋藤步,井上肇,高川裕也,神乐坂惠,内野圣阳,光石研,岸部一德,平干二朗,松本幸四郎,稻垣吾郎,市村正亲,福本清三主演,三池崇史导演的《十三刺客》/原名《十三人の刺客》/又名《13人刺客:殊死血战(台) / 13刺客 / Thirteen Assassins》动作 古装 电影在线观看完整版,《十三刺客》百度云网盘资源以及《十三刺客》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《十三刺客》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

已是江户时代后期,时有明石藩江户之家老间宫图书(内野聖陽 饰)在幕府老中土井大炊头(平幹二朗 饰)的宅前自杀,此举引起朝野震动。一切皆由明石藩主齐昭(稲垣吾郎

Plot Summary:In 1844, the peace of Feudal Japan is threatened by cruel Lord Naritsugu Matsudaira, who is politically rising and getting closer to his half-brother, the shogun. After the harakiri of the Namiya clan leader, samurai Shinzaemon Shimada is summoned by the shogun's advisor Sir Doi of the Akashi Clan to listen to the tragedy of Makino Uneme, whose son and daughter-in-law have been murdered by Naritsugu. Then Sir Doi shows a woman with arms, legs and tongue severed by Naritsugu and she writes with her forearm a request to Shinza to slaughter Naritsugu and his samurai. Shinza promises to kill Naritsugu and he gathers eleven other samurais and plots a plan to attack Naritsugu in his trip back to the Akashi land. But the cunning samurai Hanbei Kitou that is responsible for the security of his master foresees Shinza's intent. Shinza decides to go with his samurai through the mountain, where they find the hunter Koyata that guides them off the mountain and joins the group. Now the thirteen men prepare an ambush to Naritsugu and his army of two hundred samurai in a suicide mission to stop evil.




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