
6.0 还行

原名:Magnolia又名:人生交叉剔(港) / 心灵角落(台) / Mag-no'li-a

分类:剧情 /  美国  1999 



木兰花影评:让人崩溃的Magnolia...a movie about forgiveness

在这个日子,让人崩溃的Magnolia...a movie about forgiveness
Magnolia, 木兰花,99年的片子,2000年柏林金熊,偶然买回家,偶然在小长假的傍晚塞进了dvd机,接下来的三小时,越来越崩溃的心情,随着一场青蛙雨,终于与影片冰释前嫌。

出色的深度、更出色的摄影、更更出色的音乐,掩盖了编剧上某些可以把人拉出影片的瑕疵,成就了这个dark movie的杰出。

之所以说深度出色,是因为人物年龄、职业、性别、社会角色涵盖之全,简直就是一个浮世绘。男女老幼夫妻父子母女情人老板职员警察电视名嘴同性恋婚外恋吸毒乱伦,无所不包。9个主人公错综复杂头绪纷繁的人生故事,却没有给人丝毫乱哄哄毫无章法的感觉。台词,充满了污言秽语,又到处警世名言。每个人人物身上都影射着某些典型的现代情绪,相信每个观影的人都会怔仲在影片的某个瞬间。木兰花,让人绝望得快要崩溃,又真实得让人掩面唏嘘,眼看着人性的恶越来越侵蚀进影片的纵深,每个人物的命运之弦就要因为持续受力而崩塌。因为上节目上厕所的要求被一再拒绝,忍无可忍尿了裤子的天才儿童反抗了,“I'm not a toy! I'm not a doll!” 同性恋喊出了“I love you!” 患癌的父亲含含糊糊忏悔了对自己女儿的罪,年轻时花天酒地抛弃妻子的老父亲终于得到儿子的宽恕闭上了眼睛,天上,突然下起了沉重血腥的青蛙雨,持续不断,持续不断地砰乓作响地砸在车顶、房顶、地面,无处不在,像是复仇一般打断了每个人物逃避缩回壳里的企图,母亲回到了女儿身边,儿子回到了父亲病床前,丈夫坦白了罪孽,天才要求了更多的父爱,失业者放弃了报复,人们开始醒悟、忏悔、互相关照...

超现实般的青蛙雨像是仿如一场幻影般真实的灾难,人们重新开始give up偏执,forgive罪孽,真诚地坦诚相照,甚至爱情也终于来到,人生的曙光重现。

想起了跟Chung昨天的一席谈话,那是关于dark movie的谈话,Chung说最近碰巧看的都是dark movie,看完了让人觉得世界特别黑暗的那种片子,当时我还不明白为什么要拍这些特别描写人性丑恶的影片,现在明白了:因为世界本来就是充满很多丑陋黑暗的,不会因为我们不想不喜欢就不存在,相反,这些是我们无法逃避的事实。世上本来就有很多不忠实的婚姻,不负责任的父母,生活在一片黑暗的问题青年,失业一贫如洗的下岗职工,不知道将爱托付与谁的同性恋者...这不是我们不看这部影片就可以自欺欺人的。好在电影没有一味的dark下去,forgiveness, 总算给人们一些和解和倾诉的喘息。难得的是,影片的处理不会让人觉得生硬,而是非常自然地拐了弯。

让我们的人生也在种种不如意中自然地拐个弯吧。"Because it's not going to stop till you wise up".

Jim (cop): "We move through this life, and we should try and do good. And if we do that, not hurt anyone else, well, then..."
"Sometimes people need to be helped. Sometimes people need to be forgiven. And sometimes they need to go to jail. You can fogive someone. Well,
that's tough part. What can we forgive? Tough part of the job. Tough part of walking down the street."

Claudia (Jimmy's daughter, Jim's favored girl, drug addictor, sexually harrassed by her father Jimmy): "People afraid to say things. No guts to say the things that are
real or something. I'll tell you everything and you tell me everything. And maybe we can get through all the piss,shit and lies that kill other people."

Donnie (Quiz Kid, gay, job-loser): "I really do have love to give. I just don't know where to put it." (crying)
"We may be through with the past, but the past is not through with us!"

Stanley (little quiz kid): "This isn't funny. This isn't cute. See, the way we're looked at? Because I'm not a toy. I'm not a doll. I'm made to feel like a freak if I answer
questions or I'm smart or I have to go to the bathroom? I'm smart, so that should make me something so people can watch how silly it is he's smart? I
know things, i know, I know...I know I have to go to the bathroom and I asked..."

Artist: Supertramp
Song: The Logical Song

When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful,
a miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical.
And all the birds in the trees, well they'd be singing so happily,
joyfully, playfully watching me.
But then they send me away to teach me how to be sensible,
logical, responsible, practical.
And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable,
clinical, intellectual, cynical.

There are times when all the world's asleep,
the questions run too deep
for such a simple man.
Won't you please, please tell me what we've learned
I know it sounds absurd
but please tell me who I am.

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
liberal, fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
acceptable, respecable, presentable, a vegtable!

At night, when all the world's asleep,
the questions run so deep
for such a simple man.
Won't you please, please tell me what we've learned
I know it sounds absurd
but please tell me who I am.

Artist: Aimee Mann
Song: Save Me

[Verse 1:]
You look like a perfect fit
For a girl in need of a tourniquet

[Chorus 1:]
But can you save me
Come on and save me
If you could save me
From the ranks of the freaks
Who suspect they could never love anyone

[Verse 2:]
'Cause I can tell
You know what it's like
The long farewell of the hunger strike

[Chorus 2:]
But can you save me
Come on and save me
If you could save me
From the ranks of the freaks
Who suspect they could never love anyone

You struck me dumb like radium
Like Peter Pan or Superman

[Chorus 3:]
You will come to save me
C'mon and save me
If you could save me
From the ranks of the freaks
Who suspect they could never love anyone
'Cept the freaks
Who suspect they could never love anyone
But the freaks
Who suspect they could never love anyone

[Chorus 4:]
C'mon and save me
Why don't you save me
If you could save me
From the ranks of the freaks
Who suspect they could never love anyone

Except the freaks
Who suspect they could never love anyone
Except the freaks who could never love anyone

Artist: Aimee Mann
Song: Wise Up

It's not
What you thought
When you first began it
You got
What you want
Now you can hardly stand it though,
By now you know
It's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
'Til you wise up

You're sure
There's a cure
And you have finally found it
You think
One drink
Will shrink you 'til you're underground
And living down
But it's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
'Til you wise up

Prepare a list of what you need
Before you sign away the deed
'Cause it's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
'Til you wise up
No, it's not going to stop
'Til you wise up
No, it's not going to stop
So just...give up



昊子 • 一刷
Augers • Lines
大Q • Magnolia
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